Sasha Gorskaya, hailing from a small town in Belarus, always harbored a passion for the entertainment world. Armed with a master’s degree in Journalism from Belarusian State University, she quickly shifted her focus from writing to pursuing her true ambition: breaking into show business.
With a career spanning decades, Gorskaya has established herself as a seasoned producer, orchestrating an impressive array of projects from live music performances to large-scale ballet productions across Europe, the US, and beyond.
Her early professional journey included key roles in PR and production for the world-renowned Eurovision Song Contest, a pivotal experience that propelled her into co-founding the World Ballet Company, which produces and tours grand-scale ballet performances internationally.
Gulya Hartwick, originally from Riga, transitioned from a background in piano and psychology to a successful career in journalism and TV production before following her passion for the performing arts.
Since 2013, she has been channeling her creative energy into making the arts more accessible, co-founding the World Ballet Company with a mission.
Gulya is driven by a strong belief that the exquisite beauty of ballet should be mainstream, a cultural treasure available to all, enriching lives globally.