Yevheni was born in Kazakhstan, Almaty, and he started dancing when he was ten years old.
He studied at the Almaty Choreographic School named after A.V. Seleznev, danced at the Astana Opera Theater in Astana, participated in the entire repertoire and in the corps de ballet and various small solo parts.
Yevheni has a daring dream list and he wants to try skydiving, to swim with the whales and to star in a movie or series.
His favorite fairy tale character is The Simpleton dwarf in Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs, because he is cheerful and just enjoys what he has.
Yevheni’s most disliked ballet parts are the inserted pas de deux and pas de trois, because they are complex but ungrateful parts, and his most disliked move is the adagio.
His favorite ballet and character is Spartacus.
His advice to his younger version is: Work hard and participate in all competitions. Don’t be afraid and don’t complicate things in your head.